In preparation...
Key Words
This site is intended as a tool for collective intelligence at the service of the educational actors, helping them get into a systemic view of the educational challenges, understand the mutations and identify what happens in the different circles based on reflections and concrete cases.
For that it relies on:
A thematic structuring of theoretical and practical proposals avoiding the plethora of scattered information. A plurality of views, materials and languages. The contents are for now focused on the works of the Collective School Forging New Paths available in French. Other contributions will gradually expand the project. An access portal and links to (...)
“The huge global crisis is no more than the crisis of humanity that fails to attain humanity.” - Edgar MORIN
Fruitful re-evaluations and innovative experiences multiply in France and elsewhere in the cultural and educational field. New networks and spaces for dialogue are created at regional, national and international scale with the aim of transforming education so that it may carry and accompany the mutations of the twenty-first century and lead our societies towards true paths of humanisation.
This vital objective confronts novel historical challenges:
The crisis of the school is part of a broader and deeper crisis of civilisation that is (...)
The school is on the move, signs are being given by all of the innovating forces that gather and issue appeals, proclamations, petitions for its fundamentals to be redesigned. Taboo subjects tend to crack: teacher training, the perverse effects of grading, the place of error in learning, the philosophical streak to cultivate in children... The institution follows timidly, remains cautious on the grading... does not entirely understand about the philosophy. In view of the school throes, the terrible dropouts, the violence, the desocialization, there is urgent need to understand their profound and complex causes so as to react, cure or prevent with (...)
François Soulard, published the Tuesday 10 August 2010.
François Soulard, published the Wednesday 28 July 2010.
François Soulard, published the Wednesday 28 July 2010.
François Soulard, published the Wednesday 28 July 2010.
Generalist web sites
Develop a democratical and citizen spirit
The Need
Why are we developing this project?
This book brings to American and English-speaking audiences a body of work that has achieved international prominence but, with a few notable exceptions (e.g. Rojzman, 1999a, 1999b), has not appeared in English to date. This work, the theory and practice of transformational social therapy (TST), has been developed and practiced extensively over the past twenty years by the first author, Charles Rojzman, and more recently by his students. Drawing from the fields of depth and social psychology, group therapy, democratic theory, and action research, TST has developed a systematic, theory-based (...)
Teachers teaching
Urban Education program and Office of multicultural Affaires
Urban Education 5630, Fall 2010 (CRN070241): Special Topics Seminar Facilitating Dialogue and Action with Diverse Groups
Instructors: Professors Novella Keith & Charles Rojzman
We live in a time of increasing social diversity, when groups that have been excluded from the social mainstream clamor to be recognized and included. Reactions to these claims are complex: our times are marked by both increased openness to diversity and increased intolerance, hatred and violence, which threaten the social fabric and democratic life. In a seeming paradox, in order to preserve (...)
André Giordan, published the Saturday 30 October 2010.
Over the last ten years or so, the mechanisms of the "learning" have been radically transformed with the emergence of the allosteric model.
Today numerous teams around the world are using it successfully (modelo alosterico de aprentizaje o MAA, allosteric learning model) and not only in Sciences where it was first developed. It is use in the teaching of languages, human sciences, economics, health science and sports, mathematics etc. It is in use in kindergarten as well as in universities.
This is what will eventually bring progress to both, the teaching methods (the fact that the teacher teaches doesn’t imply that the student learns") and the (...)
Prevention of violence
"An Active Pessimist"
For the first time, Charles Rojzman accepted the presence of a movie camera inside one of his social therapy sessions: an experimental training program designed for trainers in the police academy. The experience, as troubling as it was astonishing, has as its goal helping policemen rebuild relationships with the hostile populations of the inner cities (fr.quartiers). Between role plays, self-awareness, questioning of institutions and meetings with invited guests from the quartiers, the Rojzman method opens the path for "knowing how to live together." Here are the psychotherapist’s explanations:
Question: How did this (...)
Rima Elkouri, published the Wednesday 23 February 2011.
North Montreal on a psychiatrist’s couch? Last spring, long before the riots, people from the neighborhood told themselves it would be a good idea. But only if they could choose a good couch and a good psychiatrist.
Consider it done. Yesterday afternoon, North Montreal unveiled its psychiatrist. It’s not just anyone. They brought in Charles Rojzman, the French sociologist and psychotherapist who is an internationally renowned expert on urban crises.
Rojzman is a kind of emergency room doctor of urban crises, a man with a fascinating background who developed an intervention he calls "social therapy," in the explosive context of the French (...)
Campains and events
Convergence Assembly
Dakar, 10 February 2011.
The participants in the Education Assembly of the WSF, gathered at the Cheik Anta Diop University, in the City of Dakar, on February 10th 2011, representing a diversity of social movements, educational networks, teachers’ unions, popular organizations, students, organized engaged parents, from international, regional and national organizations, hereby endorse and support by consensus the following points of agreement, after a process of democratic deliberation and convergence inclusive of the agendas of our own organizations, vowing our engagement with the education of our peoples, in agreement with (...)
Open Letter by the Collective School Forging New Paths
Laurence Baranski, Marie-Françoise Bonicel, Henri Charpentier, Olivier Clerc, Daniel Favre, Jacques Fortin, André Giordan, Maridjo Graner, Véronique Guérin, Claire Héber-Suffrin, Georges Hervé, Jacques Lecomte, Brigitte Liatard, Bruno Mattéi, Edmond Marc, Edgar Morin, Jacques Nimier, Aline Peignault, Brigitte Prot, Paul Robert, Charles Rojzman, Théa Rojzman, Vincent Roussel, Claire Rueff-Escoubès, François Soulard, Armen Tarpinian, Eliane Tarpinian, Édith Tartar-Goddet (Coordination: Armen Tarpinian).
Email: contact@school-new-paths.net - (...)
For an inclusive and motivating school
Brigitte Prot, published the Thursday 21 April 2011.
I carry out work on motivation with primary, secondary and college graduate students. Such work invites them to understand and construct the reasons for their learning and their presence in class. This allows them to take stock of their school situation to develop self-confidence and to acquire tools for a personal project.
This work introduces five aspects :
class interventions, class audits during crises, group facilitation, motivation and orientation balances ®©, and personalized escorting.
My proposal includes education, conferences and providing teachers and parents with support on the same topics, with one common goal: school (...)
Excerpts and findings from the ASG Student Social and Emotional Health Report for media, parents, educators and the community.
ASG Student Social and Emotional Health Report
The Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) has commissioned and funded the ASG Student Social and Emotional Health Report as part of its ongoing contribution to supporting children’s education. The Report makes a valuable contribution to the expansion of collective knowledge on the topic of student social and emotional health.
International researcher Professor Michael E Bernard, from the Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne, co-authored the report in conjunction with (...)
Cooperation and competition
Claire Héber-Suffrin , published the Wednesday 16 March 2011.
The first Network was born in Orly in 1971. It came out of a common willingness from approximately 40 people (among whom pupils, former pupils, parents, teachers, council libraries, association members, social workers, shopkeepers, neighbors, friends…) all gathered around the project of Claire and Marc HEBER-SUFFRIN. In 1979, the Evry network was created, from which the Reciprocal Knowledge Exchange Networks have grown since 1985, in France and in other countries, in cities, neighborhoods, towns, schools, teachers training centers and firms.
Everyone carries an important lot of knowledge and of ignorance. Everyone can ask for (...)
Brigitte Liatard, published the Monday 25 October 2010.
Young people are sometimes the cause but are most certainly often the victims of a climate of violence. The idea that they may be mediators for their peers has therefore started to spread. The organization Generation Mediators (GM) is convinced that it is possible to associate the education for peace and for non violence and the challenge to raise youngsters so they become responsible adults who can then become the actors of their own lives. Since 1993, GM has therefore worked with this objective.
The specificity of GM is that it trains instructors (teachers of course but also supervisors, nurses, parents, social workers etc.) to manage (...)
Novella Keith, published the Sunday 24 October 2010.
Collaborative relationships are held as all important in school reform, but the research and practice literature provides little guidance on how to create them across social divides marked by mistrust and even violence. Using a qualitative case study methodology, this chapter provides a detailed analysis of a successful practice, Transformational Social Therapy (TST), as it was applied in a school-community planning project in the French equivalent of an inner city. TST combines a variant of action research, consensus-based community organizing, and techniques from group therapy to facilitate dialogue, information sharing, and the (...)
Human and Educative aims
In process of exploration and translation...
1. The current situation: complexity of crises, diversity of individuals and challenges of a strategic agenda
Rio+20 develops in a global situation of crisis. We are not only witnessing the economic, social and environmental impacts of the crisis of financial capitalism in its neoliberal phase, but a crisis of greater magnitude that evidences the problems intrinsic to the current system and that affect key areas of life and is expressed in various local, regional and global events. Although the eyes of analysts and public opinion have focused on Europe and the U.S., the situation shows signs of global exhaustion and demands for alternatives for (...)
Edgar Morin, published the Wednesday 16 March 2011.
Everything we know is subject to error and illusion. The education of the future should confront this double-faced problem of error and illusion. The greatest error would be to underestimate the problem of error, the greatest illusion to underestimate the problem of illusion. Recognition of error and illusion is all the more difficult in that error and illusion are not recognized as such. Error and illusion have been parasitizing the human mind from the first days of homo sapiens. When we consider the past, including the recent past, it seems to us that people were blinded by countless errors and (...)
Armen Tarpinian, published the Wednesday 24 November 2010.
“Why is it that schools fail to provide all children with equal opportunities to stimulate their desire to learn, to develop their humanity?” Encouraging field experiences do exist, though; statements in favor of a society project that endeavors to assure a true psychosocial and humanist education.
School achievement and human achievement
Given the promises and threats from Modernity, can’t the pertinent politics and education suggest which vision of a human being we are tending to? Issues such as family, school, society, political action and evolution are undoubtedly connected. Any learning that is good for school is also good for life: learning to (...)